Our superintendent’s experience as a kinder teacher really paid off yesterday as we made good on our Shine prize to sub in Mrs. Mock’s class at Hathaway. Check out that tree she made for the giraffe!! #hesdpride

An amazing presentation of authentic assessment projects given at @TK5_Wildcats by the third grade students. Kudos to the incredible grade 3 teaching team!! #hesdpride #integratedunits #authenticassessment

It’s career day at Blackstock Junior High! #hesdpride

Spring Open House at Bard Elementary School

Thank you to all the amazing Hueneme ESD Administrative Professionals. Happy Administrative Professional's Day. You are the best!

Wishing all Hueneme students a wonderful Spring Break! See you back on April 15th.

It’s Hathaway School Spring Steam event! #hesdpride

Authentic Assessments are happening at Sunkist and Williams today as part of the #hesdpride integrated unit process.

It’s a spring open house celebration at Haycox Elementary School. #hesdpride

Great student work on display at Sunkist School open house. #HESDpride

College fair hosted by AVID students at EO Green Junior High

The joy of transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students at Larsen Elementary School

Voices of the Revolution play at Larsen Elementary School.

Open House 2019 at Beach Elementary School #hesdpride

Larsen School shines!!! #hesdpride

Battle of the Books at Williams Elementary School. #hesdpride

Beautiful art created by staff and students displayed at Williams Open House. #hesdpride

Open House at Hueneme Elementary School #hesdpride

Great board presentation by @haycoxvikings on grade 5 student participation in City Corps program. #hesdpride

Congratulations to the Hathaway Panthers - Winners of Oxnard Rotary Basketball Tournament!