Kudos to our hard working #hesdpride Grades 6-8 NGSS Pilot Commitee. Watch out publishers - these teachers are well informed consumers!!!!

Scenes from tonight’s governing board meeting. #hesdpride

It’s the first Teachers Supporting Teachers of the year! Our technology specialist Liz Hoppe shares the Edtech tool SeeSaw with a large group of K-8 teachers in our district tech lab.

Dr. Walker had a great day stopping by each school, greeting students, and checking in with site leaders. A great first day of school! #hesdpride

Staff kicked off the school year at SHINE 2019 this morning. We are excited to see all our kiddos tomorrow! #HESDPRIDE

It's almost that time! The first day of school is on Tuesday, August 27th. We can't wait to welcome our students back to school. See you in a few days!

Sixth grade students were welcomed at E.O. Green and Blackstock today. This is the first year launching the WEB program, which stands for "Where Everyone Belongs" at both junior high schools. Very successful day!

On Tuesday, August 27, Hueneme School District’s 11 schools will welcome more than 8,200 students for the start of the 2019-2020 school year! A reminder to download the Hueneme ESD app and view school websites for back to school information. We look forward to serving you!

New front office at Williams nearing completion! Lots of staff and contractors working hard to be ready for the new school year. #hesdpride

Construction projects continuing to move along at Sunkist School, a new parking lot, front office entrance and preschool!

Blackstock shade structure starting to take shape. #HESDPride

HESD Food Service and Oxnard PAL collaborate to feed kids at Southwinds Park during the summer.

Multiple improvement projects at Sunkist School are moving forward. #HESDPride

Making progress on the new shade structure for the P.E. Department at Blackstock JHS.

Congratulations to the wonderful performers, stage crew and adults who made @EOGreenHornets first ever musical a smashing success. #hesdpride

Fun day competing in Battle of the Books at Hollywood Beach today! Students got the win over the admin team!

Congrats to Carlos Perez for conducting another successful elementary band concert! Larsen, Haycox, Hathaway and Williams! #hesdpride

Grade 6- 8 teachers of history/social science from Blackstock and Green spend the evening learning about the The Content, Literacy, Inquiry, & Citizenship Project (CLIC) #hesdpride

Padres de HESD, la inscripción de Kinder y Kinder Transicional para el año escolar 2019/20 ya está abierta. Por favor póngase en contacto con la escuela de su vecindario para las horas de inscripción de TK y Kinder.

HESD Parents, Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration for the 2019/2020 school year is now open. Please contact your neighborhood elementary school for TK and Kindergarten registration hours.