Larsen Spring Open House 2019

Great Visit at Sunkist Elementary!

Happy Friday! Learning and fun at Parkview Elementary!

Military personnel from NBVC on campus at Bard School for Read Across America. #HESDpride

Awesome hip hop performance at Hathaway today! Thank you Hip Hop Mindset! #hesdpride

Hathaway front office remodel moving along!

Blackstock Junior High - talented staff- positive things happening here!

Hueneme Elementary School is shining bright! #hesdpride

Hathaway 🏀 finishes league play undefeated heading into the playoffs! Congrats!

Congratulations to Sunkist School for presenting their Circle of Friends program at the Ventura County Office of Education last night.

Grade 5 students at Williams participated in a town hall meeting as part of their integrated unit authentic assessment.

Thanks to Williams Elementary for inviting me to help chaperone today’s field trip to the Tall Ship at the Channel Islands Harbor. #hesdpride

Great inquiry and investigation at the Bard Science Fair.

Circle of Friends Program at Williams Elementary.
Making a friendship chain was so much fun!

Family Science Night at Beach Elementary School!

So impressed with all the learning and great teaching I observed while visiting Williams School this morning! In addition, I was able to visit with parents who attended the Cafecito con las Directoras this morning. Thank you to all the parents who attended. #hesdpride

So much learning happening at EO Green today- Kudos!

Another successful professional learning day! Grade 4 and 5 teachers working on authentic assessments and integrated unit planning.

It is a full house as the E.O. Green band takes the stage tonight at the Oceanview Pavilion. #hesdpride

Haycox winter extravaganza in full swing! So happy the arts are alive and well in Hueneme ESD! #hesdpride