UPDATE FOR 11/1: Due to the growing fire that broke out this evening, all Hueneme ESD schools and facilities will be closed tomorrow, 11/1.
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
All Hueneme ESD schools and facilities will be open on Friday, 11/1. Todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Hueneme ESD estarán abiertas el viernes, 11/1.
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
Con mucha precaución, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Hueneme ESD permanecerán cerradas mañana, 10/31, debido a problemas de calidad del aire relacionados con la imprevisibilidad del viento y el humo. Anticipamos que la escuela se reanudará el viernes, 11/1.
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
In an abundance of caution, all Hueneme ESD schools and facilities will be closed tomorrow, 10/31, due to air quality concerns related to the unpredictability of wind and smoke. We anticipate school to resume Friday, 11/1.
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
Hueneme School District is now hiring paraprofessionals and a mini bus driver. Please click on the links for more information. https://5il.co/b294 https://5il.co/b295 https://5il.co/b296
over 5 years ago, HESD Human Resources
Hueneme School District is now hiring paraprofessionals! Click links for more information. https://5il.co/axf8 https://5il.co/axf9
over 5 years ago, HESD Human Resources
Hueneme School District is now hiring Food Service Workers II! Click links for more information. https://5il.co/axf6 https://5il.co/axf7 https://5il.co/az6p
over 5 years ago, HESD Human Resources
UPDATE for 10/25/19: All HESD schools will dismiss one hour early today due to excessive heat. Please check with your school site for exact dismissal time.
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
All HESD schools will be open on Friday, October 25th. Students will be dismissed at the normal time. We will continue to monitor air quality conditions and follow an inclement weather schedule as needed.
over 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Our K-5 teachers engage in collaborative sessions during which we work to integrate curriculum and plan engaging lessons that culminate in authentic assessments. #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
HESD teachers in grades 3-6 working and learning together this past Monday. Our focus:Math Mindset! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Math mindset
Math mindset
Math mindset
Math mindset
Back to School Night at Larsen Elementary! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Edcamp Hueneme was a success!! Educators from around the county gathered at Beach Elementary to share ideas and learn new strategies.
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Wonderful Back to School Night at Blackstock Junior High!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Back to School Night at Haycox!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
New restroom building going in at Hathaway School. Thank you to all our Measure B supporters! #hesdpride
over 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Hathaway Restrooms
Don't miss the opportunity to meet your student's teacher at Back to School Night. 9/17: Bard, Haycox, and Hueneme 9/19: Blackstock, Parkview, and Sunkist 9/24: Beach, Hathaway, Larsen, and Williams 9/26:Green
over 5 years ago, Christine Walker
Back to School Night
It’s Teachers Supporting Teachers! Today we learned about implementing yoga in the classroom. Check out our warrior poses!
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Teachers Supporting Teachers
Planning Day! Our kindergarten teachers are committed to deep learning for students through integrated units and authentic assessments.
over 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Kinder labsite
Sunkist preschool building installation in progress. Looking forward to offering Pre-K services to the Sunkist community. #HESDpride
over 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Sunkist Preschool building