The Hueneme School District is now hiring a Mini Bus Driver! Please click on the link below for more information. https://5il.co/bpb0

Our #hesdpride 6-8 NGSS Pilot team is working hard tonight - gathering evidence and reflecting on pilot 1. 💪 😎 👏 with @nathan_inouye

The Hueneme School District is now hiring a Head Custodian and a Campus Assistant! Please click on the links for more information. https://5il.co/bmg9 https://5il.co/bmga

HESD hosted this year’s middle school to high school transition meeting! #hesdpride

The Hueneme School District is now hiring Food Service Workers! Please click the links below for more information. https://5il.co/blza https://5il.co/blzb https://5il.co/blzc https://5il.co/blzd

Hueneme School District is now hiring a Campus Assistant! Please click the link for more information. https://5il.co/bga2

HESD desea recibir su opinión para las actualizaciones del Plan de Control Local y Rendimiento de Cuentas (LCAP). Valoramos su opinión y esperamos que tome el tiempo para completar esta encuesta entre ahora y el 20 de diciembre. Enlace de encuesta- https://bit.ly/2CYk8g4

The Hueneme Elementary School District would like your input for updates to the District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). We value your opinion and hope you will take the time to complete this survey between now and Dec. 20th. Survey link - https://bit.ly/2qtXVDF

Hueneme School District is hiring Paraprofessionals/Physically Handicapped! Please click links for more information. https://5il.co/bduk https://5il.co/bdul https://5il.co/bdum

Hueneme Elementary School District is hiring a Mini Bus Driver and a Head Custodian! Please click links below for more information. https://5il.co/bb5y https://5il.co/bb5x

Hueneme Elementary School District is now hiring a Psychologist! Please click on the link for more information. https://5il.co/bbmr

Veterans Day Holiday - Monday, Nov. 11th

Hueneme School District is hiring for a Food Service Worker I position. Please click the link below for more information! https://5il.co/b8gb

Wonderful day at Green JHS honoring veterans on "Take a Vet to School Day." Thank you to the Green team for putting together such a successful event.

Todas las escuelas de Hueneme ESD estarán abiertas el lunes 11/4. Gracias a nuestro fabuloso personal de limpieza y mantenimiento por limpiar y preparar nuestras escuelas para que vuelvan a abrir.

All Hueneme ESD schools will be open Monday, 11/4. Thank you to our fabulous grounds, custodial and maintenance staff for cleaning and getting our schools ready to re-open.

Familias de Hueneme ESD: Todas las actividades del sábado han sido canceladas el 11/2 para todas las escuelas. Esto incluye la escuela los sábados, todas las excursiones y la escuela para migrantes.

Hueneme ESD Families: All Saturday activities have been cancelled for 11/2 for all schools. This includes Saturday School, all field trips and Migrant School.

Últimas noticias para 11/1: Debido al incendio que estalló esta noche, todas las escuelas e instalaciones de Hueneme ESD estarán cerradas mañana, 11/1

UPDATE FOR 11/1: Due to the fire that broke out this evening, all Hueneme ESD schools and facilities will be closed tomorrow, 11/1.