Grade 4 Teachers from Parkview and Bard are working on integrated units- making connections across the grade 4 curriculum for our students. #hesdpride

Our staff is collaborating and building the Circle of Friends to support our students.

5 of our schools are here today to learn about an inclusion program- Circle of Friends. Can’t wait to get these circles started at our sites! #hesdpride

HESD teachers exploring a PE unit on Ultimate Frisbee taught by our own Mr. Hoerer from Hathaway School. #hesdpride

Our grades 6-8 Social Science History curriculum pilot committee meets for the first time. Excited to explore new materials for our #hesdpride students.

Building stamina during read to self time in 1st grade.

Science with a smile! STEAM happening in Mrs. Hunter’s grade 4 class at Hueneme Elementary.

Creating cave art in Mrs. Frank’s grade 6 class at Blackstock Junior High.

Guided reading is a crucial component of our literacy program. Kudos to the grade 4 teachers at Haycox for their commitment to professional learning. #hesdpride

Our grade 7 teachers are learning about our new California Collections English language arts materials. #hesdpride

Bard TK students work together to build and create. #hesdpride

Engaging students with interactive lessons using Nearpod at EO Green. #hesdpride

Impressive collaborative work happening at EO Green! #hesdpride

Looking forward to some “Dude, Be Nice” days. Great workshop yesterday! #hesdpride

Thank you staff and students for a great first week in HESD. Don't forget Monday is a holiday, see you on Tuesday! #hesdpride

Made it to 10 of our 11 schools this week! So much creativity throughout the district. See you on Tuesday E.O. Green!

Wonderful student host greeting and welcoming guests to their classroom at Hollywood Beach School! #hesdpride

Enjoyed seeing the new Parkview Mustangs this morning! #hesdpride

It's a fantastic second day of school in the Hueneme Elementary School District! #hesdpride

Loved the flexible seating options being used at Bard School! #hesdpride