HESD Community: Please read this new message. https://5il.co/hd69 Comunidad de HESD: Por favor lea este nuevo mensaje. https://5il.co/hd69
over 4 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Community: Please read this important message from the Governing Board. https://5il.co/h2td Comunidad de HESD: Por favor lea este mensaje importante de la Mesa Directiva. https://5il.co/h2te
almost 5 years ago, Cynthia Rojas
HESD Families, click the link for information about student enrollment for 2020-21 https://www.hueneme.org/registration--405 Familias de HESD, sigan el enlace para obtener información sobre la inscripción de estudiantes para 2020-21 https://www.hueneme.org/registration--405
almost 5 years ago, Carlos Dominguez
Grades 6 - 8 HESD Families: Please take this short survey regarding the 2020-21 school year. https://forms.gle/WDS4fGiM37Cd28P3A Grados 6 - 8 Familias de HESD: Por favor responda a esta breve encuesta sobre el año escolar 2020-21. https://forms.gle/RyvBFRu1aKWv6axZA
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
TK - 5 HESD Families: Please take this short survey regarding the 2020-21 school year.  https://forms.gle/LX5mw3v3gdMpYHMQ8 TK - 5 Familias de HESD: Por favor responda a esta breve encuesta sobre el año escolar 2020-21. https://forms.gle/AchWzmgDTHE1mZWy7
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD is proud of our daily Zoom workshops and Collab-o-ramas! Recordings and Google Slides of the presentations are available on our Mission Control for Distance Learning Site: sites.google.com/hueneme.org/he… #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
The HESD Virtual Learning Gym is open 24 hours a day. We are all about health and fitness for your brain, body, and being! sites.google.com/hueneme.org/hu… #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Link to the HESD Mission Control for Distance Learning Social/Emotional Learning Page AND HESD Counseling Corner: sites.google.com/hueneme.org/he… Check out the check-in sheets and virtual connection activities! #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Check in
HESD Virtual Learning Gym - new student workouts and parent coaching for this week: Science for Kids, PE with Joe, the Chrome Music Lab, and articles for parents of children with special needs. #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Familias de HESD: Por favor lea este nuevo mensaje para obtener actualizaciones sobre el aprendizaje a distancia y el servicio de comidas. Gracias. https://5il.co/f7tl
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Families: Please read this new message for updates on distance learning and meal service. Thank you. https://5il.co/f7tk
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
First day after a holiday - It's time to hit the gym - the HESD Virtual Learning Gym! New for this week - CIA Spy Kids (Brain), Koo Koo Kanga Roo Dance Party (Body), and Storyline Online (Being). Remember to ✔️ out our parent coaching section! bit.ly/hesdgym20 #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
2020 Census: What You Need to Know https://5il.co/exhz
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Hola familias de HESD, haga clic en este enlace para obtener información sobre el servicio de internet de bajo costo para apoyar el aprendizaje a distancia. https://bit.ly/hesd-internet
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
Hello HESD Families, click this link for information about low-cost internet service to support distance learning. https://bit.ly/hesd-internet
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
HESD Mission Control for Distance Learning will support teachers from the point of launch and beyond. Check out our pre-flight information to support the use of digital tools to deliver instruction. bit.ly/hesdmission20 #hesdpride
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Mission control
The Hueneme School District is hiring School Office Managers! Please click the links below for more information. https://5il.co/er6r https://5il.co/er6s
almost 5 years ago, HESD Human Resources
Come see what's new this week at the HESD Virtual Learning Gym - Daily Exercise for the Brain, Body and Being. This week we have added History for Kids, Mindfulness Activities, and the KiDz Bop Daily Dance Break. bit.ly/hesdgym20 #hesdpride #hesdvirtualgym
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove
Virtual gym
Please read this important announcement. https://5il.co/ej6c Por favor lea este importante anuncio. https://5il.co/ej6e
almost 5 years ago, Hueneme ESD
New week - new exercises added for the brain, body, and being to the HESD Virtual Learning Gym! Art Projects, HipHop and Coding! Let's do this! bit.ly/hesdgym
almost 5 years ago, Helen Cosgrove